


We see that the life of the English aristocracy in Downton Abbey may be of interest to British culture, and today we​​'re going to talk about British culture and the notes of British culture:

语言交流Language and communication


It is important for the British to communicate privacy. Try not to ask personal privacy questions without knowing each other, such as marriage, child or absence, relationship, personal financial situation, health, etc.

风俗礼仪与生活习惯Customs and rituals and habits.


The British generally have a strong sense of social responsibility, public utilities, charity and so on are very concerned. The English are polite, talk slowly and rarely make loud noises in public.

餐桌礼仪board etiquette


It is polite to eat quietly in restaurants and shops and eat all the food on your plate. If the meal is finished, place the knife and fork parallel to the plate to indicate that you have eaten. If you haven​​'t finished eating, separate the knife and fork into eight shapes and place them on the plate.

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