

1、A hundred years of love, love forever, happiness, early birth of your son.。

2、Tonight, smoking tea is like looking at the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Nine males and two females were born early, and they climbed up as officials.。

3、Dressed in a white wedding dress into the wedding hall, the bell of happiness was sounded. I wish you happiness forever.。


5、Happy gongs and drums to congratulate the newlyweds, concise, bright and exciting. Romantic piano and serpent give new people a match made by heaven.。

6、Flower world, free love; bride black cat style, groom black dog pie.。


8、On your big day, I wish you all the best in your life.。

9、May you love each other and be happy for a long time. May your feelings be higher than the sky and deeper than the sea!


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